Year 1
Welcome to the new year 1 class for September 2024.
We are looking forward to sharing our new topics with you and can't wait to begin our journey together.
In the Autumn term our topics focus on Geography and Design and Technology. Please Click here to see an overview of this term's curriculum.
Key timetable times
Monday and Thursday - PE. Children should come to school in school PE kit, velcro trainers and no jewellery.
Wednesday - On alternate Wednesday afternoons Mrs Kirkwood will take the class for Forest School and afterwards Mrs Pidcock will teach RE.
Thursday - Homework day. Please return phonics homework and ensure you have filled in their Reading Record books. Spelling tests will begin as soon as children are ready.
Friday - Please return their library book so a new one can be chosen.
Click here to view our timetable. The Maths, English and topic sessions will also incorporate 'COOL' time (Choose Our Own Learning).
Our class
Class teachers - Mrs Christie (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)
Mrs Barker (Friday)
Children will complete adult led tasks each day. Small groups will be working at the tables whilst some children are accessing the class provision.
We have a home corner, reading area, construction, outdoor space, small world, writing, DT and Maths areas. The children can access these areas independently and are resourced to enhance and continue their learning. The children are set 5 challenges each week and can put a coloured spot on their ladybird for each challenge completed.
Please remember that the morning snack should be fresh or dried fruit and vegetables and only and water to drink. If you are sending your child in with their own snack, please make sure it is not any other kind of snack or drink. There is fresh fruit available in school every day.
Please make sure that book bags, jumpers, cardigans, wellies etc are all labelled.
Book bags are preferable instead of rucksacks. This is due to the storage space available.
Please read with your child as many times as possible each week, the minimum should be 3 or 4 times per week. It is beneficial to read the same book 2 or 3 times in the the earlier book bands to improve decoding skills, fluency and comprehension. Fill in the reading record when they have read to you as this will go toward their Reading reward chart.
All children will have a set of word cards. You can cut this up and learn a few at a time. A few minutes every day will help increase their word recognition. The words they know link to the reading band they are on. You can also ask your child how to spell the words they are learning.
Please continue to practise handwriting. We are encouraging children to use printed letter formation.
Useful links
High Frequency words - spelling list
Letter formation practise set 1
Letter formation practise set 2