Welcome to our Reception class page! Each term this page will be updated with our current learning and give you some ideas about how to support your child at home with their reading, writing and maths.
Please click here to view the Curriculum Matters for the Spring Term!
The Spring term will begin with our research question 'How does it feel when things change?'. We will also be discussing the concepts 'Tradition and Independence'.
We will be reading lots of stories and non-fiction texts about changes such as growing up and life-cycles. The main curriculum focus this term is History. In Reception we will be learning about our own history and how we have changed during our life time so far.
PE will be on Tuesday and Friday (please send your child to school in their full PE kit)
Forest Schools will be every Monday afternoon (please send a pair of wellies and waterproof trouser to be kept in school with your child's name clearly marked)
Please email a picture of your child as a baby to
We will be playing a very exciting game called 'Guess the baby' in the New Year!