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Gorseybrigg Primary School and Nursery


Welcome to the Nursery Webpage!



Our enquiry question this term is 'How does it make you feel when things change?' We are focusing on History and will be learning about how we have changed since we were babies and the changes that happen to different animals as they grow e.g. frogs, butterflies, chickens.  


We will be reading lots of stories and non-fiction texts this term and our work will be based on these, for example :


'Oi Dog!' by Kes and Claire Gray and Jim Field

'Titch' by Pat Hutchins

'Tad' by Benji Davies

'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle

'The Fish Who Could Wish' by John Bush

And non-fiction books about growing up and animal life-cycles.


English and Maths

 This term we are playing lots of listening games, identifying the initial sounds in words and blending a range of words using oral blending.

  We will also be doing lots of practical counting activities, extending and creating patterns and solving simple mathematical problems.


Remote Learning

If your child is unable to attend Nursery, please see below for a document about learning from home and some links to online games that we enjoy playing at Nursery.


              Learning From Home document





P.E. and Forest School

We have gymnastics on Fridays. Please send your child to school already dressed in their P.E. kit on this day.

The Nursery children take part in a Forest School session on Mondays. Please send a pair of wellies for your child, if they attend Nursery on a Monday afternoon. You may also want to send a puddle suit or waterproof trousers!

Library Books

Our allocated library day is Wednesday so please send your child's library book back to school each week so that they can choose a new one!










